Friday, October 13, 2006

Modern Technology At It's Best!

So there I am, sitting in my van ready to leave work at 4:15pm on Oct. 12/06, just as planned. But wouldn't you know that my 2003 Pontiac Montana had other plans. With our first game in Beausejour at 6:00pm and the first snow/rain of the season, who wouldn't want to leave work a little early to insure a safe and pleasant start to the spiel.

You see, my lovely wife (the primary operator of the vehicle) has been telling me for 6 mths or more now the the van sometimes decides not to start. No problem with the battery or anything like that. Just won't start, leaving her sitting there for 5 - 10 mins. frustrated as all get go. Then of course after many of F-sharps and other words to unpleasant to repeat, the van decides to fire up as if nothing happened. Turns out that yesterday was my turn to experience this very thing.

We had a Command Start installed a few years back (purchased with curling winnings of course) which was to make both my wife and I very happy with the convenience of starting the van from anywhere. Little did we know that the installation would interfere with the security feature that comes standard with the vehicle. So every so often, we have to take the Command Start back to where we purchased it and get it recalibrated so it will work again. Well lately, not only would the Command Start not work, but now the van won't even fire up using the key at times! Of course the mechanic says it because of the Command Start and they can do anything about it. Isn't that just lovely!

So that's why I sat in my van, behind my office, for 40 mins as I tried and retried to start my stupid van. I ended up being late for out first game, getting there just in time for the start of the second end. So much for trying to leave work early. And so much for the convenience of modern technology!

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