Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Curling weather

If there was any lingering doubt that curling season has arrived, it was erased tonight with our first winter storm of the season.

As you can see from the view out my front door, the white stuff was whirling down fast and furious. Hopefully, it melts away before we drive to Beausejour for game one of our MCT season tomorrow night.

Another excellent practice at noon today with Leigh, and we are raring to hit the ice in a tour event.

Keep your eyes on the MCT site in case they post live updates tomorrow.


1 comment:

KellyC said...

You gotta love the beginning of the season when there are so many updates on the blog/website . . . then the slacking begins :P

I left the house for Turbo class on Wednesday night, it was perfectly blue sky, and then I got MAYBE 2 blocks down Henderson from my house and COMPLETE WHITE OUT BLIZZARD.
What up wit dat?
When I looked up to the side, it was perfectly blue, and I couldn't see 2 car lengths in front of me.
Then, at the North Perimeter, it suddenly stopped, and it was a perfect drive from then on.
??? Never seen anything like that in my long life.