Friday, December 01, 2006

It's intermission - time to grab a bevvy

We're 15 minutes away from game time... as teams are arriving for the 9 p.m. draw, I can see the standings from the Asham Major League from my chair. They we are in last place tied with Coy, Jenion and Strand. Really not surprising as we had to scramble to find a replacement skip early on in the season.

Riach and Grassie are tied atop the leaderboard with James Kirkness in second spot.

Time for some random observations...
This is the first time in many years that I've watched this many curling games - I'm usually playing in these events. I've learned a lot by observing, though, as you pick up things by watching other teams, both in strategy and how they read the ice and interact with each other... I've never seen Kerry Burtnyk look as confident as he did in winning the Stonewall event. He was totally focused from start to finish.

Time for another shout-out to Tony at the Granite for prepping outstanding practice ice at the Granite every lunch hour. It makes a major impact on your development when you can count on game-ready ice for practice sessions. I've actually been blessed with tremendous ice conditions all year, at the Granite and the Asham Arena.

Arnold's done a tremendous job fixing up the old Valour Road club, refreshing the paint in both the ice shed and the lounge. You also have to give him props for the support he gives the developing teams in the Major League.

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